Latest Cover: monster mom Spanking?

Latest Cover: Kate Gosselin Spanking?

On camera, TLC’s Jon & Kate Plus 8 star Kate Gosselin is supermom to 8-year-old twins Mady and Cara and 5-year-old sextuplets , Aaden, Joel, Collin, Hannah, Leah and Alexis.
The latest In Touch Weekly magazine reports that the 34-year-old monster mom of eight spanked one of her children. Reportedly, around 11 AM on Saturday June 13, a witness spotted Kate and the children playing outside of their Reading, Pa., home. The magazine suggests that when Leah, one of the sextuplets , started blowing a whistle loudly, Kate told her to stop because she was on the phone. Reports state that as soon as Leah blew on the whistle again, Kate “seemed to lose her temper” and said, “Did you not hear me?” Reportedly, Kate then stormed over to her daughter, grabbed her and hit her. “The girl was screaming and crying,” sources say. “Kate just pushed her away and walked off with her coffee. Her older sisters were trying to make Leah feel better.”


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