Frances Bean Cobain, daughter of Courtney Love and grunge rocker Kurt Cobain, turned 18 on Wednesday (August 18). And mom Courtney Love had something to say about this, In a series of Twitter postings, Courtney accuses her daughter of, among other things, destroying what she'd worked for. "youve done a damned good job frances of destroying anything i could build," read one Tweet. "Why would you leave me and my life in tatters like this" reads another.Courtney goes on to accuse Frances of ruining her life. "was that therapist right? Why do you want to ruin my personal life?"But in a complete about-face, within minutes Courtney was Tweeting about missing her daughter. "I long for your kiss and your sweet head smell, I long for you I ache for you I die for you every day," she wrote.
Ali Landry's Breastfeeding Mishap
The stunning Ali Landry , whose adorable daughter Estela is now 3, recalls a particularly terrible breastfeeding experience that happened while the family was stopped at a gas station“I’m pumping the gas, I hear her crying. I lean over her car seat to nurse, hoping no one would see," she says . "My husband gets back in the car – he thinks I’m done pumping the gas, starts the car, takes off. We rip the gas pump off the hose. A couple thousand dollars later, at least my baby was happy and fed!” Ali shared with the
Nina Garcia Expecting Again
Angelina Jolie: My kids treat me like a waitress

Angelina Jolie mother of 6, Zahara, Maddox, Pax, Shiloh, Knox, and Vivien with partner Brad Pitt. Enjoys making meals for her family But so many different requests make making dinner difficult.Asked if she makes packed lunches for her children like other mothers she said: “Oh yeah, I love doing that. The problem with my packed lunches though is everybody is very, very outspoken about what they want, so it becomes – I often say, ‘I’m not a waitress.’ We go through so much food, and they’re still little, so I can imagine it’s going to get worse.” She also said in an interview on UK TV show GMTV: “I feel like I was kind of looking for purpose when I was younger and I always wanted something wild and something just full of -- I just wanted my life to be very full. And now my life is so full and so loud and so full of chaos in my house -- and the most beautiful chaos with these lovely little people.” The 35-year-old star also spoke about the way she and Brad seek out “special time” with one another if they feel their schedules have grown too overwhelming.
She said: “If anything, we only go through periods where we’re working too much and we kind of say, ‘Honey one of us is working too much and we haven’t seen each other, we haven’t spent enough special time’. And we just, as soon as we identify it we just know we have to find some special time and then we reconnect.”
Miranda Kerr confirms pregnancy
Miranda Kerr and heart throb Orlando bloom expecting their first child together. The stunning Australian model tells the Spanish edition of Vogue in its September issue."Yes, I am pregnant. Four months along," Miranda said confirming rumors. It hasn't been exactly easy to keep the pregnancy a secret "I remember on one occasion in the early days [of my pregnancy] when it was still too soon to say anything, and I had a dreadful time at one job," she says, recalling morning sickness during the first trimester.