mommy and me
Up Up and Away!

Cameron Diaz speaks out

The 36-year-old Hollywood actress said there were already enough people living on the planet.But she also said she was not ruling out having children herself.
Diaz told Cosmopolitan magazine: 'I think women are afraid to say that they don't want children because they're going to get shunned.'But I think that's changing too now. I have more girlfriends who don't have kids than those that do.'And honestly? We don't need any more kids. We have plenty of people on this planet.'On whether she wants children of her own, Diaz said: 'I never say never. I don't know what's going to happen.'I could end up adopting half a dozen kids, or I could end up being the next "octomum".'
Good for her there's enough children in this world it just doesnt seems right making another when there's kids out there needing homes.
Lynn Harless, mama to pop idol Justin Timberlake , doesn't want to be an “old grandmother”, reports and is pushing her son to hurry up with the baby making. Justin's long time girlfriend Jessica Beil is feeling like a watched pot.
The gorgeous Jessica, 27, is much more interested in her career these days, telling Allure magazine that she has “no idea” if she wants to marry Justin, 28. Thankfully, her boyfriend seems to have taken her side and has apparently told his mother to “cut it out” on several occasions.
Lynn Harless Justin Timberlakes mom, she was just 20-years-old when she had Justin thinks that his career has been so successful, he should now be focusing on “other things.”
Twins are twice the Fun!
The bueatifull Marcia Cross had her hands full as she took her 2-year-old twins Eden and Savannah for a walk this afternoon.
New Cut!
No more long locks for this little boy! Six-year-old James showed off a new haircut while out for a walk in New York with his parents Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick today. So adorable! AWWH I LOVED HIS LONG HAIR IT WAS SO COOLLL!
Hottest Spice!
Smooches from her mummy! Just back from her romantic getaway, Geri Halliwell also called Ginger Spice was spotted picking up her adorable 3-year-old daughter Bluebell from preschool on Wednesday June 10in London, England. Ok in my opion she is far the prettiest spice she isnt like Posh ugly, wanna be hot boobs bigger than her head, shes a mom and doesnt spend 20,302,306 hours on her cloths she ratther spend it with Bluebell.
Though the news of Kendra Wilkinson's first pregnancy spread before the young starlet had a chance to announce it herself, her excitement is palpable in a blog entry to all her fans quoting,
hi everyone!!!! so the rumors are true…i am pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hank and i were beyond excited when we found out the news and ive been dying to tell all of you but we were waiting for the perfect time to do it. im sorry if you heard it first elsewhere…that’s not how i wanted it to happen, but im so glad its out in the open now.i honestly still cant believe that soon hank and i are going to have a little athlete running around the house. seriously, the first thing this kid is going to see when its born is a football hahahahaha. do you think hank will let me dress the baby in a chargers jersey??? lololol. this is the best wedding gift i could have ever asked for and i cant wait until the time gets closer when i can start decorating the baby’s room and shopping for him or her…im definitely going to go ALL out! all of you mommies out there are going to have to give me tips on all the important baby preparations…remember, im a first timer here haha. ive been reading all of the books but these books arent going to tell me everything so i definitely would appreciate your advice! wow this has really been quite a year. from my career to my engagement, and now a baby too! im the luckiest girl in the world!!!! thank you so much for all of your support…it truly means the world to me!!! i love you all!!!!!!!